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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Business Stabilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business Stabilization - Essay Example This hypothesis features the disjoint and freedom in flexibly and request dependent on schedule and people. This is a sharp complexity to the perspective on the old style monetarist who didn't mull over the chance of a delay in the middle of acquiring and use and the investment funds culture. This was the beginning stage for Keynesian Economics. As expressed before, financial approach is of more significance than fiscal arrangement in the perspective on Keynesian Economist. Keynesians accept that cash is an advantage which can be held for the good of its own and not similarly as a fleeting homestead of buying power. Keynesians do no accept that adjustments in cash flexibly effectsly affect financial exercises. Keynesianism likewise doesn't deal with the old style conviction that cash can be directed to influence financial exercises. In spite of the fact that it will be an exaggeration to state that Keynesianism doesn't perceive cash as being significant, it ought to anyway be placed in legitimate point of view. Cash doesn't directly affect the economy. Before cash can be said to affect the economy, Keynesians accept that an adjustment in cash flexibly should impact loan fee which ought to thus convert into an adjustment in speculation levels and eventually affect national salary, at exactly that point would money be able to be said to issue. Pace of Ms1 Rate of Net Ms= Money Supply Interest Ms2 interest Md = Money request r1 r1 r2 r2 M1 M2 Ms Md r3 b Investment Passing by the graphical delineation above, It is promptly detectable that, bringing down the loan fee will have no effect on an inelastic venture bend. Keynesians likewise accept that the essential connection between cash gracefully and the economy is loan cost with two other optional connection of the capacity of the financing cost to influence speculations and for changes in ventures to influence national salary these connections as indicated by Keynesianism are extremely frail. Government officials in the UK throughout electioneering and crusade display tremendous information on Keynesianism with the manner in which Economic approaches are drawn up. The two principle parties in the UK today are the Conservative and Labor parties, each having their customary perspective on financial approaches and how the Government is relied upon to mediate in the economy. In any case, in the post war period, there hosts been cross-get-together agreement as respects financial strategy with incredible tendency of both the left and the privilege towards Keynesianism. There has similarly been a lot of talk from the two sides on how best to control the money related activities of the Government with the end goal of encouraging certain financial arrangement destinations. These goals incorporate value solidness, outside harmony, financial turn of events and development, salary dispersion and so forth instruments of monetary strategy, for example, charge, Government consumption an d loan costs are thoughts that have been engendered in the mission to accomplish the in advance of referenced targets. The conviction is that by calibrating the financial arrangement, gloom inside an economy can be survived. Both the work and moderate gathering concurred that some key enterprises ought to be claimed by the state in a procedure of nationalization. Be that as it may
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Pregnancy and Substance Abuse free essay sample
Pregnant ladies who use substances, for example, cocaine, heroin, weed, methadone, methamphetamine, and other addictive substances put themselves and their children at extraordinary hazard; in any case, there is expanding proof that even substances, for example, liquor and cigarettes, which are normally thought of as less hazardous than the recently referenced substances, are incredibly unsafe to the infant. A few types of treatment have been demonstrated viable in bringing down the dangers of these unfriendly pregnancy results; be that as it may, numerous variables impact treatment adequacy. The most significant elements to consider in regards to treatment include the sitting tight period for treatment and the presence of an aftercare plan. Treatment suppliers ought to be taught about the unique lodging required for pregnant ladies. The Dangers of Drug Abuse During Pregnancy: Prenatal Developmental Issues That Begin with Substance Abuse Pregnancy is a delightful encounter that will be the start of the forming and advancement of an individual, the arrangement time frame for bringing another being into the world. We will compose a custom paper test on Pregnancy and Substance Abuse or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Lamentably, this hallowed timeframe isn't safe to catastrophe, mix-ups, and sorrow, particularly when enslavement or even easygoing substance use is included. Pregnant ladies are eating for two, but on the other hand are harming two bodies and spirits when they decide to mishandle substances during pregnancy. Substance maltreatment during pregnancy is getting progressively predominant, with substance mishandling ladies of youngster bearing age representing 40% of the treatment populace; this does exclude the individuals who are manhandling substances yet have not yet connected for help or the individuals who may never look for treatment (Mayet et al, 2008). Pregnant ladies who use substances, for example, cocaine, heroin, cannabis, methadone, methamphetamine, and other addictive substances put themselves and their infants at incredible hazard; notwithstanding, there is expanding proof that even substances, for example, liquor and cigarettes, which are regularly thought of as less risky than the recently referenced substances, are amazingly destructive to the infant (Feldman, 2011). Extra measurements show that half of grown-up pregnancies are spontaneous, and most ladies don't realize they are pregnant until following one month (Kurgans, 2011). Hence, it is regular for ladies to utilize substances before they are even mindful that they are pregnant, and by one month harm could have just been done to improvement of the embryo. Furthermore, pregnancy is frequently an outcome of bombed judgment during a time of substance misuse, and utilization of more than one substance is the standard among the substance mishandling populace (Kurgans, 2011). Substance use and maltreatment during pregnancy can have noteworthy antagonistic effects on the child to incorporate untimely birth, unnatural birth cycle, low birth weight, and numerous other conceivable psychological and conduct issues; nonetheless, a few types of treatment have been demonstrated fruitful in bringing down the danger of these issues. Conceivable Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: Illicit and Licit Substance Effects Abstinence from illegal substances just as destructive licit substances is vital because of demonstrated connection of substance maltreatment during pregnancy with unfriendly pregnancy results. An examination led in 2010 discovered fundamentally more preterm births with pregnant ladies who utilized substances during pregnancy, explicitly revealing that 25% of medication mishandling ladies conceived an offspring preterm (Dodd et al). This measurement is resembled in an investigation done in 2007 which detailed that 23% of kids destined to substance mishandling moms were conceived preterm (Topley, Windsor, Williams, 2007). Furthermore, in the 2010 examination, where just 8% of ladies in the benchmark group brought forth low weight babies, 30. % of ladies who utilized substances had this particular pregnancy result, demonstrating a 22% more noteworthy recurrence of low birth weight in babies whose moms manhandled substances (Dodd et al, 2010). The hazard for placental unexpectedness is additionally higher among medicate abusers, implying that they are bound to have a bit of placenta pull away from its unique connection to the uterine divider. In a solid pregnancy, suddenness w ould occur after the infant is conceived; when unexpectedness happens while the infant is still in utero, there isn't sufficient blood stream, oxygen, or sustenance for the infant. This implies the danger of birth imperfections and unsuccessful labor is amazingly high (Dodd et al, pp. 140). Another hazard for dependent pregnant ladies is that the infant can experience the ill effects of withdrawal. As indicated by examines, withdrawal occurs in about 20% of the cases followed where the mother utilized reliably all through pregnancy (Topley et al, 2007). Additionally, an examination detailing explicitly on methamphetamine use during pregnancy found that overwhelming methamphetamine use was related with lower excitement, more dormancy, and expanded physiological pressure (Smith et al, 2008, pp. 27). Martha Kurgans (2011), the Women’s Substance Abuse Services Coordinator for the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, affirms the past research that babies who were presented to substances during pregnancy are at expanded hazard for untimely birth, low birth weight, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and includes that another hazard might be neurological and inborn issues. Notwithstanding these impacts of substance maltreatment during pregnancy that are recognizable following birth, moms may likewise be putting their youngsters in danger for longer term intricacies. Conceivable Long Term Effects Long term impacts on babies whose moms utilized substances when pregnant are likely; be that as it may, as per a few specialists these impacts stay undocumented and under looked into (Topley, Windsor, Williams, 2007). Topley, Windsor, and Williams study directed in 2007 was explicitly worried about longer term consequences for kids whose moms utilized substances, to incorporate formative, instructive, and conduct results. They found that 74% of the kids had no instructive or social issues at the time the investigation was directed. None of the youngsters were accounted for to have unique instructive needs other than insignificant additional help from their instructors at school (Topley et al, 2007). About 20% of the youngsters in this examination had conduct or fixation issues; in any case, a portion of these could be ascribed to different factors, for example, low quality child rearing. The scientists found that while instructive and social issues appeared to be insignificant, 42% of the youngsters examined were set on the Child Protection Register at any rate once, generally because of worries of proceeded with medicate use, disregard, or abusive behavior at home issues. One example that these specialists discovered was that there were altogether less worries about these issues when there was a record that the kid had seen a wellbeing proficient in the most recent year (Topley et al, 2007, pp. 73). This might be proof that instructive and social issues commonly connected with pre-birth sedate use could be better ascribed to the disregard or proceeded with medicate utilization of the guardians as opposed to natural issues that happened prenatally. Notwithstanding the 42% of youngsters that had been on the Child Protection Register at the hour of the investigation, another 8% had kid insurance concerns. Thusly, a sum of half of the kids in this examination required mediation of social administrations or expulsion from their homes in the early long stretches of their lives. This observational examination underpins past discoveries that a sheltered living condition is basic for all kids yet particularly for youngsters who were presented to illegal substances prenatally. Besides, a protected living condition can diminish the dangers of conduct and formative results (Topley et al, 2007, pp. 75). Affirming the discoveries of this investigation, Martha Kurgans (2011) of the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services reports that infants presented to substances are at expanded hazard for poor maternal-youngster holding, formative postponements, hindered scholastic turn of events, disregard, misuse, presentation to fierce circumstances, and hazardous living conditions. This data shows that the outcomes of substance maltreatment during pregnancy can influence the kid following birth, however can cause formative postponements or natural difficulties that can possibly follow the kid for a mind-blowing remainder. Notwithstanding illegal substances, there is additionally expanding proof that nicotine can be destructive to kids, with expecting ladies who smoke representing 12% of the pregnant populace (NIDA, 2009). The National Institute on Drug Abuse (2009) found that a few offspring of ladies who smoked during pregnancy indicated trouble with preparing sound-related data. All the more significantly, contemplates led on rodents demonstrated this can happen rapidly, with rodents indicating sound-related handling issues after just five days of introduction to nicotine. In examples when the mother utilized cigarettes during the initial hardly any days of her third trimester, in any event, when she is just discontinuously utilizing cigarettes, the nicotine introduction can cause genuine long haul sound-related handling harm (NIDA, 2009). Considerably all the more concerning data with respect to nicotine introduction prenatally is the finding that it can influence the probability that the youngster will get dependent on nicotine in he future. Arnold Mann (2004) states that while nicotine presentation doesn't expand the danger of the kid at first exploring different avenues regarding cigarette use, it increases the hazard that the youngster will get dependent on nicotine on the off chance that they do test. Mann includes that the scientists associated with t his examination had the option to control for financial status, maternal age at pregnancy, childs sex, and the childs age, thusly having the option to reason that the outcome is an organic, not ecological, factor
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
The Science of Sleep A Brief Guide on How to Sleep Better Every Night
The Science of Sleep A Brief Guide on How to Sleep Better Every Night Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. Thomas DekkerSleeping to some is one of the best things you can do while others just view it as a necessary distraction from other important things.Whatever you feel about it, you can’t escape sleep.Could you even do without it?Let’s examine the science of sleep and find out why we need to sleep, what happens when we sleep and figure out what are some ways that would help us sleep better every night.WHY WE NEED SLEEP?If you’ve been following the news and social media chatter recently, you have probably noticed the increasing focus on sleep.We’re constantly being bombarded with tips to sleep better and studies showing how much, where and when we should sleep.So, what’s behind this focus on sleep?Does it really matter how much you sleep and how you sleep?Three key purposes of sleepThe answer to those questions lies in the purpose of sleep.Essentially, sleep has three main functions and each of these purpose s hold a key to understanding why you definitely want to focus on sleeping better.The core key purposes of sleep are:Restoration. When you go about your day, your brain is hard at work. All those neurological reactions and actions accumulate metabolic waste in your brain. This might sound alarming â€" waste in my brain?! â€" but it is completely normal. However, too much of the waste could lead to neurological problems. According to research, the brain can get rid of metabolic waste and sleep is an important component in this. Although your brain does flush out some of the waste when you are awake, the clearance speeds up almost two-fold when you sleep. It’s no wonder we tend to feel so much fresher in the morning â€" your brain just dumped some garbage!Memory consolidation. Sleep is also essential for memory consolidation, which refers to your ability to maintain long-term memories. If you don’t sleep enough, your brain won’t be able to form concrete memories and emotional st ories.Metabolic health. Studies have also pointed out that sleep plays a key role in maintaining a healthy metabolic rhythm. When you get adequate sleep, your body is able to burn more fat and build muscle. When you don’t sleep, you increase your chances of insulin insensitivity and metabolic syndrome.The problem of not sleeping enoughAnother way of looking at the importance of sleep is by examining the effects of not sleeping.If your body and mind are able to benefit when you sleep, does improper sleep do damage?Lack of sleep is frankly harmful and by sacrificing your sleep, you’re not just giving up on having a proper rest, but you’re actually putting your physical and mental health at risk.To put it bluntly, lack of sleep hinders your brain ability to function. If you go on without sleeping for long periods, you’ll probably start suffering from symptoms like:GrumpinessGrogginessIrritabilityForgetfulnessShort-temperedIndeed, by skipping sleep for one night, you will lower your ability to concentrate.Your attention span shortens and you find yourself unable to focus.According to one study, by staying awake for 17 hours, you decrease your performance by the equivalent of having an alcohol blood level of 0.05%.Essentially, staying up for too long is the same as downing two glasses of wine!More alarmingly, continuous lack of sufficient sleep will deepen these problems and you’ll soon start doing more damage to your brain.Just as I mentioned sleeping has the function to improve your memory consolidating, lack of sleep will mean the parts responsible for memories are hindered.Your brain will have lowered its ability to control language, memories, planning and even sense of time is affected.Studies have pointed out that sleep loss is a major factor in the following problems and diseases:Memory problemsMetabolic disordersCardiovascular diseaseCertain cancersObesity and type 2 diabetesQuite frankly, lack of sleep can cause serious damage to your physical he alth, but also influence your mood.The less you sleep, the more you might suffer from anxiety and other such problems.So, the purpose of sleep is to keep as healthier and happier.WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE SLEEP?With all that in minds, sleep sounds like a magical journey â€" all the restoration and repair!What exactly is sleep and what does the body do to enjoy all of these benefits?Sleeping is a cycleSleeping is essentially a cycle â€" when you sleep you are performing the sleep-wake cycle. This cycle has two crucial parts:Slow wave sleep. The slow wave sleep is also known as deep sleep. During this wave, your body relaxes and goes to a renovating and repairing mode. Your brain is not as responsive to external stimuli any longer, making waking up difficult. You will have a regular breathing rhythm, your blood pressure drops and your pituitary glands start releasing growth hormone. The hormone stimulates tissue growth and helps muscles repair. There’s also some indication that your body ’s immune system repairs itself during this stage.REM sleep. REM, which stands for Rapid Eye Movement, is another part of the sleep-wake cycle. The cycle has similar effects to the above, but instead of repairing your body, you are repairing your mind. The brain becomes quiet during REM sleep. It clears irrelevant information, boosts your memory by creating neural connections and you even enhance your sleeping. The phase occurs in short bursts a few times during the night, during which your blood pressure goes up, your heart speeds up and your body temperature increases.As you can make out, both cycles are crucial for you. During one, your body is repairing while during the other you are improving your mental health.The five stages of sleepThe above is a great way to describe what happens during sleep and the restorative effect sleep has on your body and mind.But you can look deeper into the act of sleeping.If you do, you’ll find out that there are five stages of sleep, each wit h their unique purposes and functions.Doctor Diana L. Walcutt has outlined the five stages of sleep. The stages are determined by the brain waves that are active during each phase. This refers to the waves you’d see in an EEG or electro encephala graph. The five stages are:Stage One. The brain goes through the Alpha and Theta waves. These waves can happen even during the day, during a period we often refer to as ‘day-dreaming’. You can even practice the alpha waves during meditation. Slowly, you’ll start drifting towards theta, which is just a short period before we fall asleep.Stage Two. The second stage sees our brains produce rapid, short waves called sleep spindles. The body temperature drops and heart rate slows down.Stage Three. During stage three, your brain is creating deep and slow waves called delta waves. This is the transitional period of moving from light sleep to deep sleep.Stage Four. In the fourth sleep, you enter delta sleep. This is deep sleep and referred to as the slow wave sleep.Stage Five: REM. Finally, you have our friend REM sleep. Your voluntary muscles are actually paralyzed during this time, yet your brain is busy producing dreams.According to Dr Walcutt, the stages don’t always occur in the particular sequence and you might go through different stages more than once a night.But knowing these cycles can be important in enhancing your sleep â€" you want to ensure your body goes through enough stages to gain the benefits of the rejuvenating and recovering stages of REM and slow wave sleep.Circadian rhythm to dictate it allSo, how does this cycling happen?It’s actually something normal and our sleep cycles are determined by our individual biological cycles called circadian rhythm.The circadian rhythm essentially dictates when different biological events take place in your body during a day. You can see some example timings from the image below: Source: Lux Review post on circadian rhythmsThe pattern of circadian rhythm is not set in stone and individuals have some differences in terms of when they are in their deepest sleep or reducing the most cortisol.However, some elements of the rhythm can be influenced by factors â€" some of which you can control.Three main factors impact the biological rhythm:Light, which is perhaps the most influential of all three factors. If you stare at a bright light for 30-minuts, you will reset the circadian rhythm, even if you do this in the middle of the night. This is, generally, why the rising of the sun triggers the transition to a new biological function.Time, in terms of your daily schedule and routines. The tasks you do during the day and the specific time of day in which you do them has consequences on your sleep-wake cycle.Melatonin, which is the hormone that causes you to feel drowse. The normal production of it is very predictable it increases after dark and decreases right before dawn.HOW TO SLEEP BETTER?How do you sleep better?What does the above science of knowing how we sleep and what happens during sleep tell us about improving our sleep?Here are four categories for improving your sleep, with different tips on how to achieve just that.Improve how and when you fall asleepSince your sleep is dictated by your body’s biological rhythm, you need to ensure your tuned with the schedule.You essentially need to improve how and when you fall asleep.Finding the right time for sleeping is essentially about figuring your inner circadian clock. Now you should do this by listening to your body for a few weeks and keeping track of the signals it’s giving you.In the evening, monitor when you start feeling sleepy and test different bed times to figure out at what point do you seem the fall asleep the easiest.Do the same in the morning (as much as you can).Spend the weekend by going to sleep as soon as you feel like it and allowing your body to wake up naturally. Test different times and find the hours that seem most refreshing to your body.Although different people might find different sleeping times better, research does suggest we should be getting close to eight hours of sleep each night.If you find falling asleep problematic, seek out rituals that help you fall asleep.You don’t want to toss and turn in bed â€" you should fall into deep sleep within seven to ten minutes from going to bed.Some popular ways to fall asleep quicker include:Stop using electronics an hour before bedtime.Dim the lights.Have a warm bath, with added bath salts like Epsom salt.Drink warm milk.Meditate before falling asleepRead a book or listen to relaxing music.Indeed, there are different relaxation techniques you should use to improve your sleep cycle.Interestingly, research suggests that nearly half of all cases of insomnia are caused by stress.Therefore, you should consider figuring out a way to relax your body and mind before sleep to ensure you’re not filled w ith anxious thoughts.As mentioned already, meditation can work well. But you should also consider journaling, deep breathing or exercising a bit before your bedtime.Increase your sleep durationYou should also focus on improving the amount of time you sleep and ensuring you are able to go through the sleep-wake cycle without harmful interruptions.The first thing to do is to find the natural time for you to wake up. Now, this is not as easy in the modern world where you might have work and other such obligations to stop you from sleeping until you are happy.However, you can wake up at a set time, feeling better, if you just increase the amount of time you sleep.To do this, go to bed earlier, rather than change the time when you wake up. Furthermore, test your wakeup time as much as you can. It is possible even changing the clock by 15-minutes, you feel better.So, start sleeping earlier rather than just focusing on sleeping longer in the morning. You can find the best sleeping cycle by testing different durations and timings. You might require 9-hours of sleep between 10pm and 7am or you might feel the best when you sleep â€"hours from 12am to 9am.You might even feel happy with just 7-hours of sleep â€" no matter what time of night. Mix your sleeping around as much as possible and find the right amount of sleep for your body.You could also use an app that calculates your natural sleep cycle.Check out, for example, the review of one such app here: Enhance the quality of sleepBut sleep’s benefits don’t just come from the number of hours you sleep and the closeness of following your circadian rhythm. You also need to pay attention the quality of your sleep â€" the effectiveness of the sleep cycle.You should aim to boost the intensity of your sleep. The depth and quality of your sleep are directly linked to things like:Your diet â€" you need to eat healthier foods, such as vegetables and fruit. You also want to skip insulin-spiking foods like sugar and refined ca rbs close to your sleeping time.The lighting in the room â€" you also need to pay attention to the lighting. You need to have fewer lights when you’re trying to sleep and ensure you start your day with a dose of light to ensure circadian rhythm stays in motion.Your physical health â€" you can also improve the quality of sleep by exercising regularly. Exercise helps to add healthy doses of stress on the body and kick-starts the repair processes faster at night. You should avoid exercising at least three hours before you want to sleep, as otherwise you might find falling asleep tricky.The sleeping temperature â€" it’s also possible to improve the sleep-wake cycle with the room’s temperature. According to studies, the perfect room temperature for sleep is 18 to 24 Celsius (65 to 75 Fahrenheit).Implement healthy and sleep-boosting habitsOverall, you should adopt a few healthy and sleep-boosting habits.These can improve your ability to fall asleep and make it easier to stay asleep, guaranteeing your quality of sleep is good.The most effective sleep-boosting habits are:Spending enough time outdoors. Exposure to sunlight is important for sleep because it guarantees your circadian rhythm works properly and helps boost your mood.Avoiding caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. Caffeine can cause problems in the sleep cycle, along with alcohol and tobacco. You should consider avoiding tobacco altogether as it has been linked with sleep disorders in studies. With caffeine, you could still enjoy some; just make sure you leave enough time between having to sleep and drinking it. Alcohol â€" like many things in life â€" should be enjoyed only in moderation.Proper hydration. Your body needs water to repair itself overnight and you should drink enough water during the day to enjoy the refreshing benefits at night. If you find yourself waking up at night feeling thirsty or you are thirsty first thing in the morning, it might be a sign that you’re not hydrated enough. Increase y our water intake (just don’t leave it all right before bedtime!).Use bedroom just for sleeping and having sex. You should use your bedroom only for sleeping or having fun with your partner â€" working or doing many other things in the room can cause it to feel depressing and stressful. In addition, you should make your bed a smartphone, laptop and tablet-free zone. You definitely need to stop using the phone before you want to go to sleep.FINAL THOUGHTSWhen it comes to sleeping better, knowing the science behind your sleep can help.It gives you the understanding of the importance of sleep and how damaging it can be to your body and mind to not sleep enough.You’ll also understand the importance and function of the sleep cycles and you can use the information to create sleeping habits that improve your quality and the quantity of your sleep.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Couples Therapy Addressing Domestic Violence From...
Running head: COUPLE THERAPY USING CBT AND SFT 1 COUPLE THERPAY USING CBT AND SFT 3 Couple Therapy Using CBT And SFT Elizabeth Cabral Brandman University Couples therapy addressing domestic violence from cognitive behavioral perspective Introduction Cognitive behavioral therapy partner has focused on the detailed analysis of everyday conflicts that can lead to the breakdown of the relationship; it has been raised how problems arise, and how they are maintained. It has identified a feature which is associated with them generally, a predominance of negative interactions on positive. With the obvious aim of achieving an effective intervention, it has raised the ways to overcome them focusing on increasing the exchange of positive behaviors and improving communication and problem solving. Any psychological treatment that arises will have to take account of the biography of the individual. Data can provide us factors, guides or hypotheses to be tested, but cannot tell us which way will combine to each person. Also, it is different treatment of victims of violence, people who exercise violence, and mutually violent partners. Having less information on the impact of violence on men and women characteristics of the aggressor, it makes the design of specific treatments is complicated. The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy based on these parameters partner is amply demonstrated empirically. However, the relapse rate is very high, and reports indicateShow MoreRelatedThe Reasons For Marrying Enter The Union With The Motivation2702 Words  | 11 Pagesperhaps the expectation of children. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Neologisms and Morphological Analysis of Gay Language
NEOLOGISMS AND MORHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF GAY LANGUAGE OF STUDENTS IN SURIGAO DEL SUR STATE UNIVERSITY S.Y. 2015-2016 A Concept Paper Presented to Maria Lady Sol A. Suazo, Ph.D, Instructor Surigao Del Sur State University Tandag City In partial fulfillment Of the requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English JOSIE ALNGOG NICOLE HOPE ARIO CRISLER ATIBULA RUBELLE HOPE BANTAYAN JANUARY 2016 INTRODUCTION The language of gays known as gayspeak has now earned respect from the community and observably been infused in the mainstream language of the society. Language is evolving and with its changing nature, existing language needs to be documented for posterity reasons. Gayspeak is not an†¦show more content†¦While the process is by questionnaires, Interview followed by data analysis and interpretation and the output contains the analysis and the purpose of this study. OUTPUT Neologisms and Morphological Analysis of Gay Language of students in Surigao Del Sur State University S.Y. 2015-2016 OUTPUT Neologisms and Morphological Analysis of Gay Language of students in Surigao Del Sur State University S.Y. 2015-2016 PROCESS * Questionnaire * Interview * Data Analysis * Data Interpretation PROCESS * Questionnaire * Interview * Data Analysis * Data Interpretation INPUT * common words used by gays * gay words formed and their meanings * the Morphological Structures Gay’s language discourses * defy the English grammatical rules INPUT * common words used by gays * gay words formed and their meanings * the Morphological Structures Gay’s language discourses * defy the English grammatical rules FIGURE 1. A Conceptual Paradigm RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter contains the method of research used, selection of techniques and instrumentation that the researcher has used and utilized during the data gathering of the study. Method of Research This study used Qualitative method to gather rich and bountiful information that will be utilized for
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ace Cable Free Essays
Data Collection – Ace Cable RES 351 Data Collection – Ace Cable As stated in the week two, Ace Cable is an established company that offers cable television, telephone and internet services to its customers. These services are available to customers across the United States and they have been in business since 2000. In recent years, the competition has grown and Ace Cable is experiencing a decrease in customer enrollments. We will write a custom essay sample on Ace Cable or any similar topic only for you Order Now Customers now have multiple options to consider before enrolling into an agreement and Ace Cable is conducting research to persuade more people to sign on with the company. The research included defining the population from which the samples were collected. When it comes to the population and the different samples collected, the main goal is to focus on customers and provide outstanding services by conducting customer interviews, and surveys including group interviews of all ages. There are several methods that have taken place concerning collecting samples. The individual interviews we have collected were samples by applying surveys, from face to face interviews, in-store feedback, and telephone surveys. These surveys and interviews are conducted on a daily basis. These surveys are taking place in order to better our business when it comes to Ace cable. Individuals are completing surveys by voicing their opinions when it comes to the services and the channels that are selected. By having these surveys and interviews in place, we are getting the best feedback on what type of services they are looking forward to and what needs to be improved. In regard to group interviews, samples are being collected by surveys that are conducted at the time of the interviews. The surveys samples that are collected deals with expectations, feedback, and improved service. By having these different outcomes taking place, we can collect enough samples through interviewing and surveys bring an outstanding cable company. Next step is to determine the appropriateness of the sample size. In researching ACE Cable we were able to find it effective in our methods of sampling as well as appropriate for the sample size. Since ACE Cable is a well-known company that ranges all over, we found it key that more than just area sampling (the most important form of cluster sampling) was used in the research. As mentioned earlier, ethods such as interviews, surveys, face to face contact, telephone surveys, and in-store feedback all played a vital role in how it was made possible to reach out on a wide network of customers and collect data. Through each individual store and employee of ACE cable at different locations covering all of the company’s population, feedback is being taken to ensure data is all being compiled for better use of the business’ effecti veness. With probability sampling the data of ACE Cable was able to be more detailed and precisely researched on its large scale. Sources of bias or errors are possible when sampling. Validity is the degree to which the investigative goals are measured accurately, and the degree to which the research truly measures what it intended to measure. Another measurement tool is reliability, which measures consistency. Reliability refers to the extent to which the research measure is a consistent and dependable indicator of the investigation. If the measuring technique provides the same results once the measurement is repeated the accuracy of the measurement is high (Suresh, 2011) Selection biases are induced by sampling design. The sample group must be a true representation of the population without errors. It is important to decide how you select an appropriate setting and sample to conduct the study in order to avoid errors. Data collection takes place after sampling. Observation approach, investigative questions, communication approach, and questioning approach are just a few data collection methods used to collect data. Observation approach research is collected data through watching, recording, and analysis of observed behavior as it occurs in a natural setting. Investigative Questions are specific questions that the researchers ask to provide sufficient details and answers to research questions. Communication Approach research is collected of data through mass communication, media or speech. That kind of data involves surveying or interviewing people and recording their responses or analysis. Questioning approach research is better known a surveying. Survey is the process of data collected through interviews, questionnaires, the telephone, mail, a computer, e-mail, or the Internet (Cooper, 2011). The researches decided surveys would be the best way to determine why Ace Cable enrollment decreased and surveys constructed in a format that eliminates any ethical concerns. The data collection has no ethical concerns. All surveys contain the privacy act statement. All surveys explain study benefits and all participants’ answers remain confidential. The surveys are mailed across the United States and surveys are in the customer lobby. At this time, the researchers will not conduct e-mail surveys. It’s best to determine customers’ responses via mail and in-house first before branching out if there is a lack of participation. Cooper, D. . (2011). Business research methods. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Suresh, K. T. (2011). Design, data analysis and sampling techiques for clinical research. Retrieved July 25, 2012, from RES 351. How to cite Ace Cable, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Library Essay Example For Students
Library Essay BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) Two explosions rocked western Baghdads al-Shulah neighborhood near a Shiite Muslim mosque on Sunday, killing at least 15 people and wounding at least 57, Iraqi police said. The first blast was triggered near the mosque and when people gathered near the scene, a suicide car bomber drove into the crowd and detonated the vehicle in the second blast, police said. Word of the blasts in the capital came just hours after news of two suicide car bombs in Tikrit, about 90 miles (150 km) north of Baghdad. We will write a custom essay on Library specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The bombs exploded just 15 minutes and a short distance apart, killing at least six people and wounding 26 at an Iraqi Police Academy in Tikrit, according to an official with Tikrits governors office. Police were responding to the first explosion which happened in front of the police academy at 8 a.m. (12 a.m. EDT) when the second car bomb detonated close by at the meteorology building, the official said. In an earlier attack Saturday evening, seven commandos with Iraqs Interior Ministry were wounded when five mortar rounds landed inside their facility in the al-Baiya neighborhood of southwest Baghdad, Iraq police said. The attack in Tikrit, Saddam Husseins hometown, occurred as new recruits at the academy were about to travel to the Jordanian capital of Amman for a training program, police Lt. Shalan Allawi said, The Associated Press reported. A doctor at Tikrit General Hospital said the bombs killed four policemen and two civilians, with 23 policemen and several civilians wounded, AP reported. Elsewhere, three insurgents were killed Sunday as the roadside bomb they were trying to plant in the town of Mahawil exploded, police said in the nearby city of Hillah. The explosions follow the deaths of at least 12 people Saturday in a series of attacks by insurgents. The U.S. military said Task Force Baghdad soldiers arrested eight people Saturday. They are suspected of shooting down a commercial helicopter Thursday. The military said in a release that an Iraqi civilian helped Task Force Baghdad soldiers find eight people, who were being questioned in the crash that resulted in the deaths of 11 people on board. Six American security contractors, two Bulgarian crew members and two Fijian security guards were killed in the crash. A Bulgarian crew member who survived the crash was shot to death, according to the Bulgarian company that owned the helicopter. The helicopter was flying from Baghdad to the northern city of Tikrit when it went down just north of the capital. A news release from Task Force Baghdad said an Iraqi citizen told the soldiers he knew where the blue Kia pickup truck the terrorists used during the attack was parked and led them to the site. When the soldiers got there, several other local residents confirmed the first tip and showed the soldiers where the terrorists lived.Soldiers searched two houses at 12:30 a.m. The military said troops captured three men and bomb-making materials at one house, and three more men suspected of making bombs at a second home but it did not specify where the houses were. The Americans who were killed in the crash worked for North Carolina-based Blackwater Security Consulting USA. Friday, the company released the names of the employees who died. They are: Robert Jason Gore, 23, of Nevada, Iowa; Luke Adam Petrik, 24, of Conneaut, Ohio; Jason Obert, 29, of Fountain, Colorado; Steve McGovern, 24, of Lexington, Kentucky; Eric Smith, 31, of Waukesha, Wisconsin; and David Patterson, 27, of Havelock, North Carolina. Violence intensifiesInsurgents kept up attacks on security forces Saturday and Sunday. The weekend attacks are the latest in an apparent surge of rebel violence following a slight decline in February and March. As the attacks continue, Iraqi officials are struggling to put together a new government chosen in the January 30 elections for a 275-member transitional national assembly. .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0 , .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0 .postImageUrl , .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0 , .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0:hover , .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0:visited , .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0:active { border:0!important; } .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0:active , .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0 .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u99bc9c1f32968b41717d81360d9f6de0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: E E Cummings-life And Work EssayThis week, more than 50 people have been killed and more than 100 others wounded in the most notorious attacks. Insurgents primarily have targeted military and police officers, but have also gone after government officials and contractors. CNN military analyst and retired Brig. Gen. David Grange said Thursday that he expects more spikes in violence. I think the recent violence is typical, he said. And there will be continual spikes throughout the next several years as this transition to Iraqi security forces and this Iraqi governance takes place. A lot of Iraqi civilians are reporting the whereabouts and the networking of these insurgent forces. So the spikes come from where they are capable of striking, which is not everywhere.Nine killed in bombingIn the deadliest attack Saturday, a roadside bomb near Abu Ghraib prison killed at least nine Iraqi soldiers and wounded 20 others, emergency police said. The blast struck an Iraqi army convoy as it passed Zaydan village on the western outskirts of Baghdad. The road that leads to Baghdad International Airport is particularly dangerous. On Saturday, a roadside bomb targeted a U.S. military convoy there, killing a civilian and wounding eight others, including three U.S. soldiers, Iraqi police and the U.S. military said. Insurgents have also attacked other convoys on the road. Earlier in the week three contractors for a British security firm were killed by small arms fire, their employer said, and one other military convoy attack left two civilians dead and five others wounded. A roadside bomb killed a U.S. soldier traveling in a convoy near Haswa, west of Baghdad, on Saturday. Since the start of the war, 1,568 U.S. service members have died in Iraq. Also Saturday, an Iraqi contractor for the U.S. military was shot to death while driving a truck through Jamia neighborhood in western Baghdad, Iraqi police said. In southern Iraq, a car bomb exploded Saturday morning near a school in the town of Abu al-Kahsib, near Basra, according to Iraqi police Capt. Karim al-Zoubaidi. Two Iraqi civilians were wounded, police said. Other developmentsAn Associated Press Television News cameraman was killed and an AP photographer was wounded Saturday in the northern city of Mosul, officials said. Saleh Ibrahim and Mohammed Ibrahim who were not related, the news agency said were shot in a crossfire between U.S. forces and insurgents, said an official at the hospital where Saleh Ibrahim died. The U.S. Army has cleared Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez the former commander of U.S. forces in Iraq of any wrongdoing in the abuse of inmates at the Abu Ghraib prison, senior Pentagon officials said Friday. The officials said the Armys inspector general, Lt. Gen. Stanley Green, looked into accusations of leadership failure against Sanchez and found them to be unsubstantiated. Sanchez will not be punished, the officials said. (Full story)In northern Iraq, insurgents shot and killed a top official in Nineveh province on Friday, the U.S. military said. Col. Khalid Najim Abdallah, director of corrections, was the fifth official in the province to be assassinated in the past four weeks. A U.S. Marine died Thursday in a noncombat incident at Camp Delta, just northwest of Baghdad. A 12-year-old Iraqi boy awaited word on the schedule for his surgery, complicated by the death of an American activist who was helping him. (Full story)CNNs Enes Dulami, Ayman Mohyeldin, Kianne Sadeq and Mohammed Tawfeeq contributed to this report. Copyright 2005 CNN. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Associated Press contributed to this report.
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